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  • 精密配电柜的优点
  • 本站编辑:杭州铭伟斯电气有限公司发布日期:2019-06-09 18:27 浏览次数:

First, traditional distribution cabinets use pointer meters or digital meters, and can only monitor the parameters of distribution cabinets to meet basic needs. Precision distribution cabinets use computer motherboards with high integration and high reliability, and comprehensively monitor the operating parameters of the system. And through the HMI comprehensive display, the space occupied by the power distribution cabinet is reduced, and the capacity ratio of the power distribution cabinet is improved.
Second, the traditional distribution cabinet only has the function of distribution management, and the power supply is assigned to the negative carrier cabinet; In addition to distribution management, the precision distribution cabinet also has the functions of operation management and safety management, which effectively improves the reliability of the entire distribution system and reduces risks.
Third, the traditional distribution cabinets support fewer circuits, the overall area of large; The precision distribution cabinet adopts high-precision and high-integrated modules, which improves the volume of the cabinet, supports more circuits, and reduces the area.
